10:30- | Designer Registration 设计师报名 |
■After registration,prepare the models in the designated booth inside the venue ■报名后,在场内指定的展位为模特做准备 |
11:30- | Designer & Model Rehearsal 设计师与模特彩排 |
■A rehearsal that involves all designers and models ■所有设计师和模特都参与的彩排 |
12:30- | Gallery Admission 画廊入场 |
■Exhibition of the『Signature Style』 online panel. ■Designers and models must standby in the waiting area. ■在线面板 『Signature Style』的展示 ■设计师和模特在备用区等待 |
13:00- | Opening 开场 |
■Designers & Models Entrance ■Guest Designer Introduction ■设计师和模特登场 ■介绍特邀设计师 |
13:35- | Making 制作过程 |
■Live creation of 『Personalize Style』within 35 minutes ■在35分钟内进行现场创作『Personalize 风格』 【NOTES】 |
14:35- | Photo Session 拍照时间 |
■Viewing & Photoshooting for the Completed Models ■欣赏完成的模特&拍照时间 |
Break 休息·转换
15:50- | o2o Showcase O2O 时装秀 |
■Runway Show for all Models ■由所有模特进行的时装走秀 |
16:15- | Award Ceremony 奖项 |
■Announcement and Award Ceremony for Guest Designer Award and Grand Prize ■特邀设计师奖,大奖的宣布和颁奖典礼 |
*The schedule is subject to change based on the progress. We appreciate your understanding.